Styled lounge

    Selling a home can be a daunting task, especially in a downward trending real estate market. The declining market value of homes can result in lower sale prices, which can be discouraging for sellers. However, investing in good marketing and styling can be a game-changer for sellers looking to create competition in the market. In this blog, we will explore the importance of investing in good marketing and styling when selling a home in a downward trending real estate market.

        Creating Competition

        One of the main reasons for investing in good marketing and styling is to create competition in the market. In a declining market, there are fewer buyers, and homes can sit on the market for a long time. However, by investing in good marketing and styling, sellers can make their homes stand out from the crowd and attract more buyers. This increased interest can lead to multiple offers and bidding wars, resulting in higher sale prices.

          Styled tea table

          Consistently Low Advertised Supply Levels

          According to Tim Lawless, CoreLogic’s research director, the stabilisation in housing values over the month coincides with consistently low advertised supply levels and a rise in auction clearance rates. The flow of new capital city listings has been tracking -17.0% lower than a year ago and -11.9% below the previous five-year average. This trend towards a below-average flow of new listings has been evident since September last year, coinciding with a loss of momentum in the rate of value decline.

          Low advertised supply levels present an opportunity for sellers to make their homes stand out in a market with limited choices. Good marketing and styling can help sellers attract potential buyers to their homes by showcasing their property’s unique features and benefits.

          Rise in Auction Clearance Rates

          Auction clearance rates also bounced back through February, with the capital city weighted average reaching the high 60% range through the second half of the month. Sydney clearance rates rose to above 70% in the week ending 19 February, the first time since February 2022.

          Higher auction clearance rates indicate increased competition among buyers, resulting in higher sale prices. Good marketing and styling can help sellers attract potential buyers to their homes, resulting in more bids and higher auction clearance rates.

          Investing in Good Marketing and Styling

          Investing in good marketing and styling can help sellers attract buyers interested in upper quartile properties. By showcasing a home’s unique features and benefits, sellers can make their homes stand out from the crowd, attracting buyers interested in upper quartile properties. Here are some tips for investing in good marketing and styling:

          Photography: Great photography can make all the difference. Hire a professional photographer to capture your home’s best features and present them in the best light.

          Staging: Staging is the art of arranging furniture and decor to highlight a home’s best features. Consider hiring a professional stager to make your home look its best.

          Virtual Tours: In today’s digital age, virtual tours are becoming increasingly popular. Hire a professional to create a virtual tour of your home, allowing potential buyers to explore your property from the comfort of their own home.

          Marketing Materials: Invest in high-quality marketing materials such as brochures and flyers that showcase your home’s unique features and benefits.

          Online Presence: In today’s market, having a strong online presence is essential. Invest in online advertising and social media to reach potential buyers.

          In conclusion, selling a home in a downward trending real estate market can be challenging, but investing in good marketing and styling can make all the difference. Creating competition, taking advantage of low advertised supply levels, and rising auction clearance rates can lead to higher sale prices. By investing in good marketing and styling.

          Talk to us to overcome hesitancy in advertising and promotional spend.

          Are you struggling with vendors who are hesitant to invest in property marketing due to the current downward trend in the real estate market?

          Don’t worry, CampaignFlow has got you covered. Our platform allows you to access upfront funds for property marketing, regardless of the payment option chosen by the vendor. With our help, you can create compelling marketing campaigns and attract potential buyers to secure a strong sale. Contact us today to learn more about how we can assist you in overcoming vendor hesitancy and achieving success in a shifting real estate market.

          Data referenced from the following Core logic article.

          Read article here – CoreLogic Home Value Index: Value declines flatten as low advertised stock levels keep a floor under prices

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            Nathan Simpson

            Nathan Simpson

            National Sales Manager

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            Ensuring access to quality marketing to all property vendors and solving cash flow issues within real estate businesses.

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